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~DVorrei sapere quale tipo di grado di protezione deve avere un LED da installare a soffitto ad una quota pari a 2,3 m dal pavimento in un locale sanitario, avente un piatto doccia, situato in zona 3. Leggendo la CEI 64-8/7 del 2012 art.701.512.2 non trovo indicazioni a riguardo. Invece nella stessa norma con una versione più obsoleta è indicato di installare in zona 3 componenti elettrici con grado minimo di protezione IPX1 o IPX5.
Nel mio caso specifico il committente chiede un LED di classe III ed IP20. Il progetto verrà realizzato per la Germania.

Carla Ragnoli via form

~RLe zone dei locali contenenti bagni o docce si estendono, per la norma italiana, fino a 2,25 metri al piano di calpestio, così come in Germania. Quote diverse sono previste in Europa solo per Olanda, Repubblica Ceca e Spagna: potete soddisfare le richieste del cliente. Di seguito l’estratto della Norma Europea IEC 60364-7-701:

701.30.2 Description of zone 0
Zone 0 is the interior of the bath tub or shower basin, see Figure 701.1. For showers without basin, the height of zone 0 is 10 cm and its surface extent has the same horizontal extent as zone 1, see Figure 701.2.
NOTE 1 In Spain, for showers without basin, the height of zone 0 is 5 cm.
NOTE 2 In Germany this requirement is not relevant.

701.30.3 Description of zone 1
Zone 1 is limited
a) by the finished floor level and the horizontal plane corresponding to the highest fixed shower head or water outlet or the horizontal plane lying 225 cm above the finished floor level, whichever is higher,
NOTE 1 In Belgium, Denmark, Hungary and Italy, if the bottom of the bath tub or shower basin is located higher than 15 cm from the floor level, the horizontal plane is located 225 cm above the bottom of bath tub or shower basin.
NOTE 2 In the Netherlands 225 cm is replaced by 260 cm.
NOTE 3 In the Czech Republic and in Spain the zone 2 is considered above the zone 1 as far as the ceiling or the horizontal plane lying 300 cm above the finished floor level, whichever is higher.
b) by the vertical surface:
– circumscribing the bath tub or shower basin (see Figure 701.1),
– at a distance of 120 cm from the centre point of the fixed water outlet on the wall or ceiling for showers without basin (see Figure 701.2 ).
Zone 1 does not include zone 0.
The space under the bath tub or shower is considered to be zone 1.
NOTE 4 In Spain, and for showers without basin, where the water outlet is fixed the vertical limit is fixed at 60 cm around the water outlet.
NOTE 5 In Spain, the space under the bath tub or shower basin accessible without the use of a tool is considered to be zone 1. If it is accessible only with the use of a tool, it is considered to be neither zone 0, nor 1 nor 2.

701.30.4 Description of zone 2
Zone 2 is limited
a) by the finished floor level and the horizontal plane corresponding to the highest fixed shower head or water outlet or the horizontal plane lying 225 cm above the finished floor level, whichever is higher,

NOTE 1 In the Netherlands, 225 cm is replaced by 260 cm.
b) by the vertical surface at the boundary of zone 1 and the parallel vertical surface at a distance of 60 cm from the zone 1 border ( see Figure 701.1). For showers without basin, there is no zone 2 but an increased zone 1 is provided by the horizontal dimension of 120 cm mentioned in the second dash of 701.30.3 b).